a history of the bible 

Canon – 

A redaction at the turn of the fifth century.  Jerome defined the bible when he finished the Vulgate which would become the official bible of the Church. It contains the oldest existing copy of the Apocalypse.  We can only speculate on what it looked like before that time based on other older existing documents.    

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a hit on the internet 

A “Reign Of Christ” – 

A problem with the bible.  The “Reign of Christ” cannot be found in the bible.  “Reign of Christ” will get millions of hits if you Google it.  Just another example of how the bible is misinterpreted.  Who can you trust?  What can you trust?  Numbers.  Interpretation is unavoidable but you should at least have the numbers to back it up.  Or colors.  

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a translator 

A Bible – 

A version of each translation.  Before the printer, no two bibles were alike.  Now no two translations are alike.  And there are way too many.  About 60 English translations.  Each translation has more than one version.  So the “Word of God” is subject to translations, revisions, and interpretation.  For the most part they agree on numbers.  And colors.   

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a golden mouth 

A Third John – 

A necessary connection to the Apocalypse.  How it became part of the bible.  Many did not think it belonged there.  John Chrysostom was one of them and he was in Ephesus when Jerome was finishing the Vulgate.  Astronomy points to Chrysostom as the writer of the Apocalypse according to Morozov.  There are other reasons.   

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