a money problem 

A Homosexual Problem 

A crisis in the Church.  Both are ignored in the McCarrick report.  The cover-up continues.  Life, marriage, and family are being replaced with climate change, same sex unions, racism, and immigration.  Can you say dogma?  That is so yesterday.  Now mercy and forgiveness is necessary for our bishops.  Thank you Francis.  


a solution 

A Crisis in the Church 

a prayer? Talk of climate change?  Talk of clericalism?  No talk of homosexuality.  Talk of mercy and forgiveness is good but some kind of change must be forced by the laity.  Money is not the only thing respected by our bishops but it seems to be way ahead of whatever is in second place.  


a disorder 

A Crisis in the Church 

a crusade is necessary to defend His Church.  It is being attacked from within.  Our bishops have been corrupted by money and same sex attraction.  They can’t be trusted.  Their solution is mercy, forgiveness, prayer, and more money.  More Money.  Don’t leave.  Stay and fight.  Join the crusade.  Expose the corruption.   


four billion 

A Victims Fund 

for silence.  Silence allows the abuse to continue.  Protects the good that they do.  The cost of doing business.  Clerics must be protected lest they lose respect.  Without this respect, the good will suffer.  Silence is golden.  Here comes the apostasy.  Come Lord Jesus.  


an objective disorder 

A Term 

that suggests something is wrong and requires attention.  Someone questioning this is more likely to question other norms.  Once you lose your objectivity, most everything else becomes subjective.  Trustworthiness is lost.  A perceived injustice often justifies the violation of other norms.  The child and money are no longer safe.  Changing a term like objective disorder will not make them safe.    
