a prophecy repeated 

A Little Book To Eat – 

A command to prophesy again.  Why would John eat a little book?  To get it into the bible.  It is in the bible because certain key players believed it was written by the Apostle.  So who wrote the little book that John ate?  The Baptist.  He was preparing the way for  Lamb. The ‘Lamb’ can be found 27 times in the Apocalypse. “Bare record” can be found five times in the bible.  

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a repeat 

A Recapitulation – 

commentary on the Apocalypse by Victorinus who introduced the theory of recapitulation.  Without it misinterpretation is likely.  The visions of John cannot be understood to be in chronological order.  Each vision should be considered independent of the others.  Some are a repetition of others.  Recapitulation is a necessary tool in understanding the Apocalypse.  

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a repeat of repeat 

A Recapitulation – 

A necessary tool of teaching. Practice, practice, practice. Everything must be repeated. Even the liars have learned that. Victorinus was the first to suggest that visions in the Apocalypse were repeated and could not be considered in chronological order. A clear example of this is the “bottomless pit” where the beast is released before it is chained. The beast is not a ‘him’. A careful analysis of Daniel and the Apocalypse in all the translations clearly shows that the beast is an ‘it’. 
