a desolation 

A Holy Place – 

daily sacrifice shall be taken away.  What is in the Holy Place now?  Daniel has three references to abomination.  The first is “he” and most agree he was Antiochus IV Epiphanes.  The second is “they” shall place the abomination which is a better fit with the Dome of the Rock that is preventing the daily sacrifice.  

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a beast 

A Temple – 

A desolation.  The abomination of desolation, spoken of by Jesus, leads us to the abomination in Daniel.  They shall take away the daily sacrifice.  That’s the Temple.  The first one was destroyed by Babylon.  The second was desecrated by Greece and destroyed by Rome.  Islam is preventing the third.  That is what makes a beast a beast.  Count ’em.  

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a beast 

A Temple – 

A desolation.  The abomination of desolation, spoken of by Jesus, leads us to the abomination in Daniel.  They shall take away the daily sacrifice.  That’s the Temple.  The first one was destroyed by Babylon.  The second was desecrated by Greece and destroyed by Rome.  Islam is preventing the third.  That is what makes a beast a beast.  Count ’em.  

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a temple 

A Holy Place – 

A key to understanding. See the abomination of desolation stand in the holy place. The Dome of the Rock. The temple is what makes a beast a beast in the eye of Daniel. Babylon destroyed the first temple, Greece desecrated the second and Rome destroyed it. The third temple cannot be built because of what stands in the holy place now. The temple has been replaced by the Church that stands in Rome now. Repent. The time is near now.