a white horse 

A White Sea – 

A bow, a covenant between God and man.  Not from the White Sea but from the Aegean or Mediterranean Sea aka the white sea.  Constantine is the rider of the white horse who made the world safe for Christianity.  This artist has a rainbow in his hand.  Constantine started the thousand years where they reigned with Christ.  

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a bow 

A Rainbow – 

A covenant between God and the earth.  The rider of the white horse had a rainbow in his hand and is from the Aegean or the Mediterranean aka the white sea.  Constantine made the world safe for Christians.  He started a Christian empire that lasted a thousand years where they reigned with Christ.  This artist got it right.  

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a color 

A Sea – 

A location.  The color of the horses is a clue from whence they came.  Start with the Red and Black seas.  The white sea is a little tricky.  The Mediterranean and Aegean seas are also known as the white sea.  Like numbers, colors are translated accurately.  No room for interpretation.  The translators all agree on numbers and colors.  

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a white horse 

A Friend For Christianity – 

A bow in his hand, a covenant with God similar to Genesis 9:13.  The rider was Constantine, from the white sea, who made the world safe for Christians.  For the Turkish term Akdeniz (White Sea), see Mediterranean Sea.  For the part of the Mediterranean called White Sea in some South Slavic languages, see Aegean Sea.  Other riders were from the Red and Black seas.  Color matters.  

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a color 

A Sea – 

A location.  The color of the horses is a clue from whence they came.  Start with the Red and Black seas.  The white sea is a little tricky.  The Mediterranean and Aegean seas are also known as the white sea.  Like numbers, colors are translated accurately.  No room for interpretation.  The translators all agree on numbers and colors.  

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